Our Mission
Our Lady of Fatima School illuminates a tradition of Catholic faith, family, stewardship and excellence.
Our Vision
Our Lady of Fatima School's Catholic identity embraces the mission of the Catholic Church and strives to have a plan to meet every family and student spiritually, academically and financially.
Our Philosophy
We, the faculty and staff of Our Lady of Fatima School, in partnership with our parents and in collaboration with Holy Family Parish, are committed to our Catholic identity by living Gospel values and being active participants in our faith. We maintain our reputation of academic excellence through rigorous and dynamic curriculum. We are dedicated to developing future leaders whose attitudes reflect an awareness of their responsibility toward God's creation.
School Learning Expectations
The purpose of Our Lady of Fatima School is to foster an environment in which all children can develop their own personal relationship with God. The school provides a high-quality Catholic education in which the children are exposed to the sacraments and are encouraged to practice being stewards of their faith.
The standard at Our Lady of Fatima School is to focus on the formation of the whole child as well as emphasizing academic mastery. This has created a collaborative school culture that is always seeking the best and most effective ways to educate our children for the 21st century while infusing a strong and vital Catholic identity. Our collaborative culture is supported by parents who serve as the primary educators of their children. Student life is driven by faith, stewardship, and excellence. Our Lady of Fatima School is committed to living out the Gospel values and actively participate in the Catholic faith.
- Students, parents, faculty and administration will be able to recite the school's mission statement and Charger Etiquette.
- Students, parents and faculty will improve attendance at Sunday family masses while helping their child reach their Christian service hours requirement.
- All students will memorize their class prayer(s), participate in class retreats, and practice their Catholic faith regularly.
- All students in grades 2 through 8 will meet their required Christian service hours by the end of each trimester.
- Increase 2017-18 ACRE class scores by 5% in both 5th & 8th grade from the previous school year.
- All students will participate in Christian service projects that serve to increase awareness of their responsibility toward God's creation.
- Parents will work with the faculty and administration to ensure that their child/children will reach their Accelerated Reader goal(s).
- Each student will grow by one reading level as measured by the START Instructional Reading Level (IRL).
- Each student will have a Student Growth Percentage (SGP) of at least 65% in reading and math by the fourth testing window as measured by the STAR test.
- Mastery of state standards and developmental skills associated with those standards by the end of the 2017-18 school year.
- School
- Education
- Campus
- Learning
- Learn

Contact Info

OLF School Office Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday
OLF Business Office Hours
8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wednesday and Friday