What is Marriage?
Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, united to profess their unconditional love to one another, for the purpose of procreation, companionship and mutual support. In the Catholic Church, however, it is more than just a natural institution; it is a Sacrament, where husband and wife receive an abundance of sanctifying grace from God, a saving Grace that restores the right to live in Grace and to participate in the Divine life of God Himself.
By forming the habit of looking at each other in a sacramental way - seeing the beauty of God in each other's souls - seeking to enhance that beauty by upbuilding each other- mutually growing in the image of Jesus - couples united in the Sacrament of Matrimony bear witness to the stamp of the living God.
For more information, please contact the Parish office.
What is Con-validation of Marriage?
A Catholic couple who has married outside of the Church has entered into an invalid marriage in the eyes of the Catholic Church. This couple now needs to present themselves, as a couple, to the parish priest, and needs to demonstrate that they entered into the non-canonical marriage without malice or deception. The couple needs to show that they truly are penitent of their misunderstanding and misdeed and that they desire the bond that "by its very nature is perpetual and exclusive" and through which they are "strengthened and, as it were, consecrated for the duties and dignity of their state by a special sacrament" (Canon 1134). The priest, believing the intention of the couple, now has the right and ability to dispense the "canonical form" and validate the marriage, bringing it into proper validity and liceity with the Roman Catholic Church.
- Are you married, but not in the Catholic Church?
- Is it your wish to be married in the Catholic Church?
- Do you long to receive the Eucharist?
Holy Family Parish is offering you the opportunity to make your wish come true.
Here at Holy Family, we provide an opportunity twice a year in June and December for all couples finding themselves in this situation to be married in a group setting with other couples. There is a team of trained parishioners who will guide each couple to prepare them for Convalidation. If you would like more information, please call the Rectory Office at (562) 865-2185 and leave your name and phone number, and someone will return your call. All information is kept confidential.
La Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia esta ofreciendo la oportunidad de llenar este deseo. El equipo do "Convalidation" de esta parroquia espera su llamada. Para más información, por favor llame al (562) 865-2185, deje su nombre y su número de teléfono.
(Toda información personal es completamente privada.)
- Marriage
- Marry
- Wedding Mass
- Union
- Unity
- Love


Contact Info
Rectory Office
For general inquiries and mass intentions.
Contact Name:
Martha Ceja
18708 Clarkdale Avenue Artesia, CA 90701