
Etiquette for Holy Communion

The manner in which we approach the altar for Holy Communion is founded on the truth that the Eucharist is really and truly the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not just a symbol or representation! Because of this, we should approach communion with devotion, reverence, and respect. Please keep in mind the following guidelines when receiving communion:

  1. Fast for at least one hour before Mass
    It is customary to pray and fast before Mass in order to prepare ourselves for Holy Communion and to offer ourselves as a pure sacrifice to our Lord. (Water and medicine do not break a fast.)
  2. You must not be conscious of any grave sin
    It is seriously wrong to receive our Lord while in a state of grave (mortal) sin. If someone is conscious of grave sin, they are asked to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving communion.
  3. Non-Catholics are kindly asked to abstain from receiving communion
    Holy Communion is a theologically powerful act in which we become intimately and profoundly united to God. However, if someone wishes to become Catholic, he/she is warmly invited to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) to be formally and publicly received into the Church at Easter. If you are called to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, please speak with Rudy Perpinan, our RCIA Director
  4. Receive communion with reverence and devotion
    Before approaching the priest or Extraordinary Minister of Communion, make a reverential bow in respect to our Eucharistic Lord. When they say either “the body of Christ” or “the blood of Christ”, your response should only be “Amen”. This word means, “So be it”, or “I believe”. Please say it clearly and distinctly. You can receive Holy Communion either on the tongue or in the hands. If you choose to receive in the hands, place your right hand over your left (in the shape of a little throne to receive the King of kings. You must consume the host immediately. It is forbidden to give the host to children who have not made their first communion or to take the host out of the church.