
On Thanksgiving, instill a prayerful heart within the family

As we enter into the week of Thanksgiving, it is just apt that we reflect once more on the bountiful graces we have received from our Lord. God works in His own mysterious ways and in His own mysterious timeframe.

We truly have an awesome God. Last Tuesday, after all the old asphalt was removed, our parking lot was treated with cement. You would recall that the rains started that evening. In other circumstances, it would have been a disaster, but as we are treating our base with cement, water is essential and not detrimental. God’s timing is, indeed, impeccable. The rains started just after we have received another bit of good news: the Planning Commission of the City of Artesia approved our application for the Conditional Use Permit! I thank you for your prayers and let us all thank God on this Feast of Christ the King for all of His graces for us.

One of the things that touched me during the week was the show of force of our youth during the Public Hearing. The new offices will benefit the ministries that will serve them, and seeing them there reassured me that we are on the right track. We always say that the young are the future of the parish. Pope Francis modified that by telling the participants at the recent World Youth Day in Panama that they are not the future but the present of the Church. I am so inspired to see our young people serving alongside our revered parish “veterans” not just as servers but as ushers, choir members, and even mass coordinators.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope that we take time to instill a prayerful heart within the family and shun a mere materialistic goal for that weekend. Let’s go to Church on Thanksgiving Day or say a special prayer before we “gobble” up the food. The main day is the gathering as a family and not the gathering outside the stores to get that super large screen TV. Of course, you can get that TV (or toaster, game console, and maybe a car) if you really need it, but first, we have to intentionally connect as a family. This is also a wonderful day to exercise fasting, but before you throw away this Bulletin from shock, what I meant was fasting from anger and resentment. Why give Satan an inroad to ruin the peace as well as the appetite of everyone?

We welcome all our guests to the parish this week, especially from the USCCB as well as the Brazilians from all over. We hope you will find Holy Family to be a truly welcoming community. In connection with this, I would like to thank all of our volunteers who labored to make this Sunday meaningful for all, particularly our guests.

Viva Cristo Rey! Happy Thanksgiving!